Ultimate F!rosh

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Hot sauce eating contest at Ultimate F!rosh competition 0T9

The Ultimate Frosh (U!F!) competition takes place on the Tuesday evening of Godiva Week. Unlike many other Godiva Week competitions, such as Mr. Blue & Gold or Godiva's Crown, where F!rosh are forbidden from winning, Ultimate F!rosh can only be won by a first-year student. The competition consists of a series of challenges determined by the previous year's Ultimate F!rosh and the runner-up from the year before, often including challenges to eat or drink disgusting concoctions.
Upon winning, the victorious F!rosh is rewarded with a hardhat and swears an oath to jump up and down on command until the next Ultimate F!rosh is chosen at the next annual Godiva Week.

Past competitions for Ultimate F!rosh 1T3, 1T4, 1T5, and 2T1 can be viewed on SkuleTube.

Past Ultimate F!rosh Winners[edit | edit source]

Year Winner Discipline
2025 Ryan Qian EngSci
2024 David Jin ECE
2023 Sophia Bonellos
Sencer Aksu
2022 Celin Begeshev Mech
2021 Kyla Tan

Emily Nguyen



2020 Aidan Lachine EngSci
2019 Aakash Budhera EngSci
Rebekah Parkes* Track One
2018 Mark McCutcheon Track One
2017 Savo Bajic Mech
2016 Susan Wang EngSci
2015 David Pech Track One
2014 Gregory Nettleton EngSci
2013 Colin Playle Min
2012 Rahul Verma ECE
2011 Nancy Ho Track One
2010 Jonathan Ng ECE
2009 Richard Medal ECE
2008 Yuri Savguira MSE
2007 Jimmy Lu Civ
2006 Rob Richer Chem
2005 Christian Maxwell EngSci
2004 Nathan Schnarr Mech

2024: Runner-up, the one who actually finished was an upper-year imposter.
2021,2023: The competition had 2 co-winners giving the title to 2 F!rosh.
2019: * Left Skule, passing the position to the runner-up.