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==Major Milestones for EngSoc in 2010-2011==
==Major Milestones for EngSoc in 2010-2011==
===EngSoc's Structure===
===EngSoc's Structure===
At a General Meeting on January 25, 2011, a vastly revamped structure for the Society's governance was approved. Under the former structure, the Society's Board of Directors for the purposes of the Ontario Corporations Act was a body known as the Engineering Society Council, consisting of all Officers, Internal Directors, Ex-Officio Directors and Class Representatives. The changes approved at the January 25 meeting created a new Board of Directors entirely separate from Council, with each of the new Board's members to be directly elected by engineering students. This resulted in a reduction in size of the Board from Council's 100+ members to the new Board's 23 members. Following changes approved at the Council meeting of January 31, 2011, Internal Directors are to be known as Project Directors to distinguish them from members of the Board of Directors.
===The Hard Hat Cafe===
===The Hard Hat Cafe===
===Engineering Society Endowment Fund===
The [[Engineering Society Endowment Fund]], a voluntary annual levy of $100 per student intended to create a permanent capital fund that would eventually supersede the [[Temporary Special Levy]] Fund, successfully passed in the [[Engineering Society Elections 2011]]. Whereas expenditures from the Temporary Special Levy Fund were restricted to academic projects, the Endowment Fund is much broader in its purpose, permitting expenditure on projects that benefit the undergraduate student experience. Furthermore, the entire amount of the Temporary Special Levy Fund is disbursed annually, whereas the Endowment Fund will only disburse the income on its value, allowing it to accumulate over time.

==Engineering Society Positions==
{{Engineering Society by Year
|composite = Engsoc 2010-2011.jpg
*[[President]] - Kevin P. Siu
|caption = Engineering Society 2010-2011
*[[VP Finance]] - Ryan Bradley
*[[VP Communications]] - Abhishek Mathur
*[[VP Academic]] - Yi-Wei Ang
*[[VP External]] - Mauricio Curbelo
*[[VP Student Life]] - Albert Huynh

===Commercial Operations===
|president = Kevin P. Siu
*[[Hardhat Cafe]] Finance Manager - Donnie Yee
|vp_finance = Ryan Bradley
*[[Hardhat Cafe]] Operations Manager - Gibran Kichlu
|vp_communications = Abhishek Mathur
*[[Stores]] Finance Manager - Layan Kutob
|vp_academic = Yi Wei Ang
*[[Stores]] Operations Manager - Dan Liu
|vp_external = Mauricio Curbelo
*[[Suds]] Finance Manager - Denizcan Karadadas
|vp_student_life = Albert Huynh
*[[Suds]] Operations Manager - Ian Parker

===Internal Directors===
|caf_finance = Donnie Yee
*[[Archivist]] - Rachit Tyagi*/Rishi Maharaj
|caf_ops = Gibran Kichlu
*[[Cannon]] Editor - Nicole Deen
|stores_finance = Layan Kutob
*[[Career Fair]] Director - Art De Guzman
|stores_ops = Dan Liu
*[[Cannonball]] Chair - Sandra Sousa
|suds_finance = Misha Stecyk*/Denizcan Karadadas
*[[Community Outreach]] Director - Nitla Cooke
|suds_ops = Ian Parker
*[[Computer Systems Administrator]] - Rafal Dittwald
*[[Engineering Communications]] Administrator - Hubert Ka
*[[F!rosh Handbook]] Editor - Maegan Chang
*[[Gradball]] Chair - Celine Ko*/Wacy Su
*[[Hi-Skule]] Liaison - Joel Ramjist*/Prachy Mohan
*[[Ombudsperson]] - Huda Idrees
*[[Orientation Chair]] - Owyn Notario
*[[Professional Development Director]] - Saminur Majumder
*[[Skulebook]] Editor - Michelle Cho
*[[Skule Points]] Director - Roshan Thanapalan
*[[Speaker]] - Zoriana Workun
*[[Sponsorship Director]] - Jonathan Ng
*[[Student Issues Director]] - Akid Azfar*
*[[Toike Oike]] Editor - Navid Nourian
*[[UTEK]] Director - Freddy Chen
*[[Webmaster]] - Valentin Peretroukhin

*Chief Returning Officer - Milos Uskokovic
|archivist = Rachit Tyagi*/Rishi Maharaj
|cannon_editor = Nicole Deen
|cannonball = Sandra Sousa
|career_fair = Art De Guzman
|community_outreach = Nitla Cooke
|compsys_admin = Rafal Dittwald
|engcom_admin = Hubert Ka
|f!rosh_handbook = Maegan Chang
|gradball = Celine Ko*/Wacy Su
|hi-skule = Joel Ramjist*/Prachy Mohan
|ombudsman = Huda Idrees
|orientation = Owyn Notario
|profdev = Saminur Majumder
|skulebook = Michelle Cho
|skule_points = Roshan Thanapalan
|speaker = Zoriana Workun
|sponsorship = Jonathan Ng
|sic = Akid Azfar*
|toike_editor = Navid Nourian
|utek = Freddy Chen
|webmaster = Valentin Peretroukhin
|cro = Milos Uskokovic  

<nowiki>*</nowiki> - Resigned
|chem_club = Stephen Pinto
|civ_club = Connie Jia
|comp_club = John Matienzo
|elec_club = Catherine Kierans
|engsci_club = Raphael Sammut
|indy_club = Samantha Yang
|mse_club = Kyle Serkies
|mech_club = Julie Hommik & Chris Siemieniuch
|min_club = Julianna Keech

==Discipline Club Chairs==
|1 = 1T4
*[[Chemical Engineering Club]] - Stephen Pinto
|2 = 1T3
*[[Civil Engineering Club]] - Connie Jia
|3 = 1T2
*[[Computer Engineering Club]] - John Matienzo
|4 = 1T1
*[[Electrical Engineering Club]] - Catherine Kierans
|chem1 = Ishan Gupta
*[[Engineering Science Club]] - Raphael Sammut
|chem2 = Ajay Kochar
*[[Industrial Engineering Club]] - Samantha Yang
|chem3 = Samenna Mulam
*[[Material Science and Engineering Club]] - Kyle Serkies
|chem4 = Saeed Kaddoura
*[[Mechanical Engineering Club]] - Julie Hommik & Chris Siemieniuch
|civ1 = Eduard Broun
*[[Mineral Engineering Club]] - Julianna Keech
|civ2 = Momo Sun
|civ3 = Hamed Shalileh
|civ4 = Kevin Zhang
|comp1 = Ryan Mintz
|comp2 = Jonathan Ng
|comp3 = Rachit Tyagi
|elec1 = Victor Zhang
|elec2 = Zachary Fejes
|elec3 = Minghua Zhao
|elec4 = Bahar Memarian
|engsci1 = Patrick Zerr / Yuqi Ma
|engsci2 = Zimu Zhu
|engsci3 = Farrokh Mansouri
|engsci4 = Galen Hogan
|indy1 = Lea Janossy
|indy2 = Marwan Dajani
|indy3 = Nitla Cooke
|indy4 = Anna Sheu
|mse1 = Pratik Engineer
|mse2 = Abrar Mahmud
|mse3 = Jacquelyn MacCoon
|mse4 = Damian Durlik
|mech1 = Omer Shargall
|mech2 = Trevor Burton
|mech3 = Ryan Persaud
|mech4 = David Clease
|min1 = Mike Chen
|min2 = Sebastien Balda
|min3 = Paolo Tomasone
|t1 = Teresa Nguyen

==Class Representatives==
|first_year = Xin Ma  
|second_year = Gabriel Stavros
|Chemical Engineering||1T4 ||Ishan Gupta
|third_year = Ryan Persaud  
|pey_year = David Cheung
|                    ||1T3 ||Ajay Kochar
|fourth_year = Katerina Daginis
|                    ||1T2 ||Samenna Mulam
|                    ||1T1 ||Saeed Kaddoura
|Civil Engineering ||1T4 ||Eduard Broun
|                  ||1T3 ||Momo Sun
|                  ||1T2 ||Hamed Shalileh
|                  ||1T1 ||Kevin Zhang
|Computer Engineering ||1T4 ||Ryan Mintz
|                    ||1T3 ||Jonathan Ng
|                    ||1T2 ||Rachit Tyagi
|                    ||1T1 ||
|Electrical Engineering ||1T4 ||Victor Zhang
|                      ||1T3 ||Zachary Fejes
|                      ||1T2 ||Minghua Zhao
|                      ||1T1 ||Bahar Memarian
|Engineering Science ||1T4 ||Patrick Zem / Yuqi Ma
|                       ||1T3 ||Zimu Zhu
|                      ||1T2 ||Farrokh Mansouri
|                      ||1T1 ||Galen Hogan
|Industrial Engineering ||1T4 ||Lea Janossy
|                      ||1T3 ||Marwan Dajani
|                      ||1T2 ||Nitla Cooke
|                      ||1T1 ||Anna Sheu
|Materials Science & Engineering ||1T4 ||Pratik Engineer
|                      ||1T3 ||Abrar Mahmud
|                      ||1T2 ||Jacquelyn MacCoon
|                      ||1T1 ||Damian Durlik
|Mechanical Engineering ||1T4 ||Omer Shargall
|                      ||1T3 ||Trevor Burton
|                      ||1T2 ||Ryan Persaud
|                      ||1T1 ||David Clease
|Mineral Engineering ||1T4 ||Mike Chen
|                      ||1T3 ||Sebastien Balda
|                      ||1T2 ||Paolo Tomasone
|                      ||1T1 ||
|TrackOne || 1T4 ||Teresa Nguyen

==Year Chairs==
|lgmb_bl = Alex Martins
*First Year - Xin Ma
|lgmb_dm = Addie Denison
*Second Year - Gabriel Stavros
|cannon_ca = Yuri Savguira
*Third Year - Ryan Persaud
|bg_chair = Peter Raimondo & Addie Denison
*PEY Rep - David Cheung
|skulenite_director = Mason Lau
*Fourth Year - Katerina Daginis
|skulenite_producer = Katerina Daginis
|eaa = Katerina Daginis  

==Skule™ Spirit==
|godivas_quest = Alvin Ho
*[[Bnad Leedur]] - Alex Martins
|mr_bg = Luis Ramirez
*[[D(r)umb Majur(k)]] - Addie Denison
|godivas_crown = Sandra Sousa
*[[Blue & Gold Committee]] Chairs - Peter Raimondo & Addie Denison
|ultimate_frosh = Nancy Ho
*[[Skule Nite]] Director - Mason Lau
|chariot_race = ECE
*[[Skule Nite]] Producer - Katerina Daginis
*[[Engineering Athletics Association]] President - Katerina Daginis

===Godiva Week Competition Winners===
|utsu1 = Megan Lund  
*[[Godiva's Quest]] - Alvin Ho
|utsu2 = Sheema Khan
*[[Mr. Blue & Gold]] - Luis Ramirez
|utsu3 = Rishi Maharaj
*[[Godiva's Crown]] - Sandra Sousa
|gc1 = Kent Kuran  
*[[Ultimate F!rosh]] - Nancy Ho
*[[Ye Grande Olde Chariot Race]] - ECE
==External Representatives==
*UTSU Director - Megan Lund
*UTSU Director - Sheema Khan
*UTSU Director - Rishi Maharaj
*Governing Council Representative - Ken Kuran

==Conferences Hosted==
==Conferences Hosted==
[http://www.peosc.skule.ca PEO Student Conference 2010]
[http://www.peosc.skule.ca PEO Student Conference 2010]
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