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Organization Engineering Society
Board member of Board of Directors, St. George Round Table, Faculty Council, Faculty Council Executive Committee

The President is the Chief Executive Officer and one of the executive members of the Engineering Society. The president is responsible for setting the direction for the Society and ensuring its smooth operation. These main roles are carried out along with the rest of the executive team who oversee various areas of the Engineering Society. As the head of the organization, the President also acts as a representative of the Society towards the Faculty, University, community and students.

The mandated role of the President is stated in Bylaw 1, Chapter 3 and Bylaw 4, Chapter 1.

Oversights[edit | edit source]

The Presidential portfolio includes:

  • Business Manager

Executive Team

Ex-Officio Directors

  • Discipline Club Chairs
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Engineering Science
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Materials Science and Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Mineral Engineering
  • Chief Attiliator
  • Alumni Outreach Director
  • Professional Outreach Director
  • Student Governor
  • UTSU Engineering Representatives

Presidential Prerogatives[edit | edit source]

Only the president may use the Seal of the Society.

Past Presidents[edit | edit source]

Year Name
2025-2026 Ken Hilton ECE 2T5 + PEY
2024-2025 Inho Kim NΨ 2T4+PEY
2023-2024 Archit Bhargava**/Parker Johnston ECE 2T2 + 1 + PEY / ECE 2T2T1 + 1 + PEY
2022-2023 Aidan Grenville* NΨ 2T2 + PEY
2021-2022 Jacqueline Fleisig NΨ 2T1 + PEY
2020-2021 Christopher Kousinioris NΨ 2T0 + PEY
2019-2020 Laura Berneaga Mech 1T9 + PEY
2018-2019 Shivani Nathoo NΨ 1T8+PEY
2017-2018 Jonathan Swyers Comp 1T7T1+PEY
2016-2017 Milan Maljković Elec 1T6+PEY
2015-2016 Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patiño Civ 1T5+PEY
2014-2015 Teresa Nguyen Diem Trinh Civ 1T4T1+PEY
2013-2014 Mauricio Curbelo Civ 1T3+PEY
2012-2013 Rishi Maharaj NΨ 1T2+PEY
2011-2012 David Cheung Civ 1T1T1+PEY
2010-2011 Kevin P. Siu NΨ 1T0+PEY
2009-2010 Jimmy Lu Civ 1T0
2008-2009 Jonathan Asmis NΨ 0T8+PEY
2007-2008 Alaina Lagrou Indy 0T8
2006-2007 Mei Ling Chen Chem 0T7
2005-2006 Peter Suddard Mech 0T5+1
2004-2005 Todd Reichert NΨ 0T4 + Film
2003-2004 Richard Yu NΨ 0T4
2002-2003 Ashley Morton Elec 0T3
2001-2002 Jim Karahalios Civ 0T2
2000-2001 Karen Caputo Mech 0T1
1999-2000 Sean Voskamp Mech 0T0
1998-1999 Rono Sinha Comp 9T8+PEY
1997-1998 Sally Atalla Mech 9T7+PEY
1996-1997 Franny Jewett Civ 9T7
1995-1996 Rowan Wilson ?
1994-1995 Ruby Nayyar Indy 9T5
1993-1994 David Vendramini Geo 9T4
1992-1993 Andrew Steeper Civ 9T4
1991-1992 Alex Chapman Civ 9T2
1990-1991 Kevin Fair Mech 9T1
1989-1990 Cosy Caporrella Chem 9T0
1988-1989 Keren Morehead MMS 8T9
1987-1988 Wayne McPhee NΨ 8T8
1986-1987 Kim Hollings ?
1985-1986 Luis Alegre ?
1984-1985 Bill Hollings NΨ 8T5
1983-1984 Ron McKenzie ?
1982-1983 Wayne Levin IND 8T3
1981-1982 Diane Kapica ?
1980-1981 David Legresley ?
1979-1980 Gary Jones ?
1978-1979 Rob Yates ?
1977-1978 Joseph Lstiburek ?
1976-1977 Jim Picknell ?
1975-1976 Marta Ecsedi Civ 7T6
1974-1975 Douglas Duncan (First Council President) ?
1974-1975 Pat O'Neill ?
1973-1974 Steve Field ?
1972-1973 R. Scott Jolliffe Chem 7T3
1971-1972 Eric J. Miglin ?
1970-1971 Michael V. Sefton Chem 7T1
1969-1970 Art McIlwain ?
1968-1969 Brian Dunk ?
1967-1968 John Morris ?
1963-1964 Don Monro Elec 6T4
1960-1961 Howard Malone Civ 6T1
1955-1956 Paul Walters ?
1946-1947 Bill Daniel (C. William Daniel) Min 4T7
1920-1921 Ralph Waldo Downie ?
1888-1889 H.E.T. Haultain Min
1885-1887 John Galbraith ?

* Recalled From Office

** Resigned From Office