
From Skulepedia
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Skulepedia is a source of information for all Skule™-related things. It is a repository maintained by students and alumni of Skule™ who are proud to have gone through our great institution, with its grand traditions and deep history.

The goal of Skulepedia is to comprehensively collect and organize information about Skule™ life over the years. We welcome the participation of all Skulemates and alumni to help us along the way!

Featured Pages

Wiki Site Map
Yearly Events Organizations History
F!rosh Week Engineering Society Sword in the Stone
Godiva Week Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad Queen's Grease Pole Liberation of 2000
Ye Grande Olde Chariot Race Skule Cannon Waterloo Tool Liberation of 1982
Mr. Blue & Gold List of Clubs The Little Red Skulehouse
Godiva's Crown
Ultimate F!rosh
Godiva's Quest


List of All Pages

Content by Year