(a work-in-progress)

The Archivist was reportedly featured for the first time in the Skulebook in 1990. Mike Stein, Archivist for that year, writes "I don't know why someone decided to give me space in this book as no archivist has ever had any. that last part is unfotunate because I had to write this myself with no aid at all from previous Skulebooks. But seriously, my duties included taking Engineering Society publications to the Engineering Archives, retrieving any historical artifacts, and writing Toike articles. I also managed to read a few old Toikes along the way."

Past Archivists

Year Name
2016-2017 Ankita Khanda ECE 1T9T1
2015-2016 Connor Lawless Indy 1T8
2014-2015 Catherine Tran MSE 1T4+PEY
2013-2014 Kimberly Shen Comp 1T5
2012-2013 Stephanie Fata Chem 1T5
2011-2012 Nicole Cyhelka Chem 1T3
2010-2011 Rishi Maharaj NΨ 1T2+PEY
2009-2010 ??? ???
2008-2009 ??? ???
2007-2008 ??? ???
2006-2007 Mike Hawkins ???
2005-2006 Juan Fantin ???
2004-2005 Sam Orr ???
2003-2004 Alex Curlea ???
2002-2003 Adam Trumpour ???
2001-2002 Paul Graham ???
2000-2001 John Craig ???
1989-1990 Mike Stein ???
??? Barry Levine ???
??? L.E. (Ted) Jones ???