Power to Change Engineers
Engineers at U of T are known for our capabilities in solving problems with innovative minds, from humanities to scientific issues. Power to Change Engineers is an interdenominational Christian group that is dedicated to serving engineering students by helping them solve life’s toughest questions. We want to be a spiritual resource to engineers, giving all students an opportunity to think about spiritual issues, as well as helping Christians grow in their faith. Join us in our weekly meeting where we gather and discuss life’s larger questions, recurring every Thursday at 5:30-7:00pm in Wycliffe College, Sheraton Hall. Also, join us in our weekly in-depth study on the Christian faith! Be on the lookout for our booth at clubs day, and email us at p2c.uoft@gmail.com for more information or to join our mailing list (bit.ly/p2cemaillist). Follow us on by clicking on our title above to get our latest event updates!