Godiva's Crown

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Godiva's Crown hardhat

Godiva's Crown (sometimes erroneously known as Godiva or Lady Godiva) is an engineering student who has been chosen to represent the spirit of Lady Godiva at Skule™. They are selected during a Godiva Week competition in which they must perform a creative act in front of a panel of judges and the reigning Godiva's Crown. The holder of the title of Godiva's Crown must click their heels on command when any Skuligan says "Godiva" or their title "Queen of ___". Godiva's Crown holds Princess, the ceremonial wooden horse, as well as the signature Crown for the year. They are present at many Skule™ events to improve Skule™ spirit.

The Crown worn by Godiva's Crown is a unique hardhat, from which a distinctive crown shape is carved, with the sides of the crown emblazoned with the suit representing the year (i.e. the Queen of Hearts or the Queen of Clubs). The 'suit' for each Godiva's Crown rotates each year in a four-year cycle.

Godiva's Crown traditionally shares the first dance at Cannonball with Mr. Blue & Gold, and starts the Bed Races, organized by the Blue & Gold Committee, during F!rosh Week each year. As a spirit head, Godiva's Crown is symbolically wed to Mr. Blue and Gold.

History[edit | edit source]

In the past, each Godiva's Crown contestant was asked to humorously use power tools to nail, hammer, drill, and screw together a small wooden object in front of the judges.

Competition[edit | edit source]

The Godiva's Crown Competition has traditionally been held on Thursday evening of Godiva Week. The competition involves a creative act which may include a skit, song, or dance. There are no requirements to the act, and many acts have involved the use of props, supporting cast, and multimedia presentations.

Judging[edit | edit source]

The judging panel usually consists of seven judges - six engineering students, usually including one F!rosh) and the reigning Godiva's Crown (who is the head judge). The judges are generally chosen by the reigning Godiva's Crown or organizers of the event, and is decided by their (humourous) responses to a series of questions. Historically, the judging panel consisted of all male engineering students (except the reigning Godiva's Crown).

Following each act, the judges generally write their comments on whiteboards to be read out by the MC of the night. These comments are humorous in nature, and are not meant to factor into the official judging of the act. The judges also have opportunities to ask questions to the contestants after their act.

The judges, although chosen impartially, have been known to enjoy tasty treats and refreshing BEvERages to aid in their selection of the winning contestant. Many contestants choose to make their 'bribery' in a public fashion during their act, with judges favourably receiving creative and personalized gifts.

The judges congregate in a secret location following the last act, and vote for the next Godiva's Crown. Following the decision, the reigning Godiva's Crown announces awards for each of the contestants, and the winner of the title. The new Godiva's Crown then takes the Oath, and is presented with the Godiva's Crown hardhat, the Godiva sashes, the ceremonial horse, and the flags for the Blue & Gold Bed Races.

Following the Oath, the new Mr. Blue and Gold (elected the previous night) will then propose to the new Godiva's Crown, and the two will remain "engaged" until their wedding during F!rosh week.

Past Godiva's Crowns[edit | edit source]

Year Winner Title
2025 LC Rankin Mech 2T6 Queen of Clubs
2024 Mila Markovski NΨ 2T5 Queen of Diamonds
2023 CJ Conlin MSE 2T4 + PEY Queen of Spades
2022 Nancy Li Indy 2T2 + PEY Queen of Hearts
2021 Kate Whelan NΨ ECE 2T3 + PEY Queen of Clubs
2020 Anaïs Poirier ECE 2T2T1 + PEY Queen of Diamonds
2019 Lisa Zaher Comp 2T1 Queen of Spades
2018 Chloe Oriotis Mech 2T0 Queen of Hearts
2017 Lia Codrington NΨ 1T9 Queen of Clubs
2016 Hema Nookala Mech 1T8 Queen of Diamonds
2015 Veronica Suprun Indy 1T7T1 Queen of Spades
2014 Elizabeth de Roode Chem 1T6 Queen of Hearts
2013 Pinky Chan Chem 1T5 Queen of Clubs
2012 Lauren Bajin Mech 1T3T1 Queen of Diamonds
2011 Sandra Sousa Elec 1T3 Queen of Spades
2010 Paulette Holtham Indy 1T2T1 Queen of Hearts
2009 Jennifer Eversley Civ 1T0 Queen of Clubs
2008 Topaz Chiu NΨ 0T8 Queen of Diamonds
2007 Sheena Weisman Chem 0T7 + PEY Queen of Spades
2006 Lise Eamer Mech 0T7 + PEY Queen of Hearts
2005 Stephanie McTague Chem 0T7 Queen of Clubs
2004 Nastassja Liebenow Civ Queen of Diamonds
2003 Agnes Durlik Chem 0T5 Queen of Spades
2002 Ashleigh Meyer Clelland Min Queen of Hearts
2001 Kirsten Koehl Indy 0T2 Queen of Clubs