Milestones for 2014-2015

Faculty of Applied Science and EngineeringEdit

Centre of Engineering Innovation and EntrepreneurshipEdit

Participation in Faculty CouncilEdit

New Vice Dean UndergraduateEdit

Female Enrollment in EngineeringEdit


St. George Round TableEdit

Mental WellnessEdit

Contacting A&S/PsychologyEdit

SAC ConcernsEdit

Board Reform and AGMEdit

Representation DiversionEdit

SAC Elections 2015Edit

EngSoc GovernanceEdit

Work with the Discipline ClubsEdit

Reduction in Temporary Levy FundEdit

Temporary Internal Project DirectorEdit

Creation of two Project Directors in Bylaw 2Edit

Overview of EngSoc ElectionsEdit

EngSoc OperationsEdit

NewTP / 256 McCaulEdit

Centralized Student Initiative FundingEdit

First roll out of Project Directorship ApplicationsEdit

EngSoc ProjectsEdit

What is Skule ProjectEdit

Growth of the ArchivesEdit

Inaugural Skule Heritage CelebrationsEdit

External Engineering AffairsEdit


Interaction with PEOEdit


World Pride at Stein'sEdit

Remembrance Day, Commemorating the CentennialEdit

Break-in to Blue & Gold RoomEdit

Open Door PolicyEdit