Mr. Banana

Revision as of 16:41, 20 November 2023 by Milalala13 (talk | contribs) (added the winners, obviously)

Mr. Banana, the fourth spirit head of University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.They are selected during a Godiva Weekcompetition.Established in 2002, this respected and sought after position is chosen as participants to compete to be crowned Mr. Banana. Current Mr. Banana is required to The holder of the title of Mr. Banana must insert a banana into their asshole on command for any Skuleigain who yells "Mr. Banana".

Past Mr. Bananas

Year Winner
2022-2023  Arthur Akbulatov
2021-2022 Bobby Graydon
Ewan Whey
2020-2021 Robert Graydon