Godiva's Hymn

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We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers,
We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers.
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, so come along with us,
For we don't give a damn for any damn man, who don't give a damn for us.

Verses about Godiva

The first verse is always sung first before the chorus, typically followed by the second. After that it's anyone's game!

Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride,
To show to all the villagers her fine and lily-white hide.
The most observant villager, an Engineer of course,
Was the only one to notice that Godiva rode a horse.
Said she, "I’ve come a long, long way, and I will go as far,
With the man who takes me from this horse, and leads me to a bar."
The men who took her from her steed, and led her to a beer,
Were a bleary-eyed Surveyor and a drunken Engineer.
Godiva woke next morning and she had an awful head,
Decided to be sensible and spend the day in bed.
The only ones to visit her and bring her lots of cheer,
Were a broken-down Surveyor and a bloodshot Engineer.
Godiva died and where she fell a bench marks the spot,
In any Engineering text, its level can be got.
And up in Heaven, every day Godiva craves for beer,
But she'll have to wait until the gates let in the Engineers
Godiva was a lady well-endowed, of that there was no doubt.
She never wore a stitch of clothes, just wound her hair about.
The first man who ever made her was an Engineer of course,
But an Artsie queer, on just one beer once made Godiva's horse.
The first man who ever made her was an Engineer of course,
But on just one drink, and Artsie fink once made Godiva's horse.

Female Verse

We are, we are, we are, we are the female Engineers,
We can, we can, we can, we can demolish twice as many beers.
So cum, so cum, so cum, so cum, so cum all over us,
For we don't give a damn about any damn man that can't get it up for us.
A firehose by day and forty beers by night,
An engineer may never sleep but still stay just as bright,
And if you ever ask her how she keeps up her routine,
She'll raise her trust can of Jolt, smile and say 'Caffeine!'
A man sat in a tavern with a lovely looking lass
And stared when for the nineteenth time she raised and drank her glass
"You've out-drunk four strong men, and half the bar my dear"
The maiden smiled sweetly, said "I'm an Engineer!"
I happened once upon a maid whose eyes were full of fire,
Her physical endowments would make your hands perspire,
She shocked us when she told us that she never had been kissed,
For her boyfriend was a worn-out Engineering Scientist.
At the Arts Quad at our school there are many untruths told
'bout how female engineers are frigid, strange, and cold,
But truth be told men look for lady engineers of course,
And sleep with girls who study friction, motion, stress and force.

Version française

Nous sommes, nous sommes, nous sommes, nous sommes les ingénieurs français
Quand on a fini de boire la bière, on sort le Bourgelais
On boit sans fin, on fait la fête et les filles nous adorent
Rien de mieux que la langue française pour stimuler un corps.

Politically Correct Verse

We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers,
We can, we can, we can, we fix anything with gears.
We work real hard, we play real hard, so come along with us,
For we don't give a damn for any damn man, who don't give a damn for us.

Pubcrawl Verse

We're lost, we're lost, we're lost, we're lost, we don't know where we are,
We want, we want, we want, we want, we want to find a bar.
Don't come, don't come, don't come, don't come, don't come along with us,
For we don't know where the hell we are but fuck we're on a bus!

Verses about Engineering

Professors put demands on us, they say we have to tool,
But all we want to do is sleep, we hate this fucking school.
You can bitch or tell us off, abuse us if you please,
But we're all set to graduate, and all we need are C's!
A Comp and an Elec did battle outside Bahen hall,
Students gathered round to watch the two great students brawl.
The Elec spoke of flux and fields for a minute, two or three,
But the Comp kept rambling on and on and on recursively!

Verses about other faculties

An Artsie and an Engineer once found a gallon can,
Said the Artsie, “Match me drink for drink as long as you can stand.”
They took three drinks, the Artsie fell, his face was turning green,
But the Engineer drank on and said, "It's only gasoline"!
An Artsie and an Engineer were stranded on a boat,
One man above capacity, the poor thing would not float.
The Engineer would flip a coin to settle the dispute,
So he flipped it in the water and the Artsie gave pursuit.
The Army and the Navy boys went out to have some fun,
Down at the local tavern where the fiery liquors run.
But all they found were empties for the Engineers had come,
And traded all their instruments for gallon jugs of rum.
Professors put demands on us, they say we have to too,
But all we want to do is sleep, we hate this fucking school.
You can bitch or tell us off, even abuse us if you please,
But we're all set to graduate and all we need are C's.
A wide-eyed Artsie Chemist and a Chemical Engineer,
Were formulating molecule equations over beer.
Each drank a glass of water, but the Artsie hit the floor,
For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.
So now you’ve heard our story and you know we are the Engineers,
And when we all shall graduate, we’ll all have great careers.
An Engineer’s starting wage can pull in 60 G’s,
While an Artsie with a PHD can work at Mickey D’s.

Verses about fictional engineers

Said Spock to Captain Kirk "the logic you cannot refute,
the odds of our survival are so small I can't compute."
Said Kirk "Oh no! We all shall die!" but then he gave a cheer,
For he just remembered Scotty was the resident engineer!

New Verses from Godiva Hymn Contest (2015)

I came across a girl whose skin was glazed in purple hue,
Her aura proud, her spirit loud, her words were strong and true;
She led a group of hundreds who were chanting far and near,
And in my mind, I had no doubt - she led the engineers!
At UofT we have the best and brightest minds there are
We come from every walk of life, we come from near and far
To make the world a better place, thats why we all came here
We have the power to change the world, cause WE ARE ENGINEERS!
Students from around the world head to U of T,
to join the group of engineers at S K U L E;
They came for academics but soon learned there's so much more,
So come on down to U of T and hear the Cannon roar!

Closing verse (traditional)

Now you've heard our story and you know we're Engineers,
We love to hate our problem sets, we love to drink our beers.
We drink to every person who comes here from far and near,