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Suds is the pub operated by the Engineering Society. Affectionately known as the 'Engineering Pre-Pub Pub', Suds is open every Friday afternoon during the Skule™ year and every day during F!rosh Week and Godiva Week. Suds is part of what makes Skule™ unique as it is the last student-run bar on campus. But that's all that should be mentioned here, as advertising online is not permitted by its licensing body, so if you have questions please e-mail the managers of Suds at

Past Suds Managers

After 2003, the Suds Manager positions were turned into Suds Operations Manager and Suds Finance Manager.

Year Operations Finance
2010-2011 Ian Parker Min 1T2+? Denizcan Karadadas Indy 1T2
2009-2010 Franz LaZerte Mech 0T9+PEY Ariel Feldman Mech 0T9+PEY
2008-2009 Vanessa di Battista Civ 1T1+1 Ryan Campbell NΨ 0T7+∞
2007-2008 Charlsie Searle Civ 0T8+1+PEY Jennifer Lee Civ 0T7+PEY
2006-2007 Jessica Tinianov Mech 0T6+PEY Alexandra Barrett Indy 0T7+PEY
2005-2006 Jon Hollands Mech 0T5+PEY Catherine Korinek Civ 0T6
2004-2005 Eamon McDermott NΨ 0T5+3 Don D'Souza ?
2003-2004 Susan Hogle Mech 0T4 Don McAuslan ?
2002-2003 Erika Keissner ?
2001-2002 Matt Parker ? Rob Siklos ?
2000-2001 Chris Davis ? Ken McNeil ?
1999-2000 Dan Siegal ?
1998-1999 Peter Blaser ? David Brodrecht ?
1997-1998 Jacob Hanley ? Danny Kocic ?
1996-1997 Alex Paradi ? Joe McNamara ?
1995-1996 Kenneth Gower ? Alex Mihailidis ?
1994-1995 Ed Vujnovic ? Taras Kohut ?