Mental Health and Wellness

The Skule Mental Wellness (Previously known as Skule Mental Health and Wellness) directorship raises mental wellness awareness within the Skule community by connecting students with services offered by the University, Faculty, and the Engineering Society. The directorship also aims to improve mental wellness at the Skule community by providing stress relieving activities, and encouraging discussion about good mental wellness habits.


The Mental Health and Wellness directorship was created in October of the 2015-2016 school year. In late 2018, the name of the directorship was adjusted to better describe the scope of what the directorship was doing.


Directors of Skule Mental Wellness are tasked with maintaining the Skule Mental Wellness Handbook, which can be found in the First-Year office, and other areas in which counseling can be provided. The Directorship also offers handbooks for free at events.

The first edition of the Mental Wellness Handbook was published in 2019, with another edition scheduled for F!Week 2019.

Project Director

Year Name
2019-2020 Katie Vranesic Civ 2T1+1
2018-2019 Hannah Eng Mech 2T0
2017-2018 Julia Filiplic Mech 1T8+1
2016-2017 Shivani Nathoo EngSci 1T8+PEY