Director of the Year

See also: Engineering Society Awards

As of at least the 2014-2015 year, awarded annually to three (previously two) Engineering Society Project Directors/Directorships deemed to have done the best job with their respective positions. Criteria for this evaluation of nominees for this award includes improvement over the work done in the previous year, the overall success and organization of their respective committee and their personal contribution to the development of the Engineering Society through involvement at meetings and other general contributions.

Past Recipients

Year Recipient Directorship
2015-2016 Annie Yu & Amanda Albaba Mech 1T8 & MECH 1T8 Hard Hat Café Managers
Ryan Brackenbury ECE 1T6+PEY Systems Administrator
Kevin Rupasinghe ECE 1T6 + PEY Design Team Association Project Manager
2015-2016 Milan Maljkovic Elec 1T6+PEY Orientation Chair
Ryan Williams EngSci 1T7+PEY Toike Oike Editor-in-Chief
Connor Lawless Indy 1T7 Archivist
2014-2015 Catherine Tran MSE 1T4+PEY Archivist
Alejandro Mejia MSE 1T4+PEY Blue & Gold Committee Chairs
Aidan Solala Mech 1T6+PEY
Armando Bablanian ECE 1T6+PEY Hard Hat Café Managers
Lameya Iqbal Mech 1T6
2013-2014** John Sweeney Chem 1T6+1 Toike Oike Editor-in-Chief
Teresa Nguyen Civ 1T4+PEY Hi Skule Liaison
Ashkan Parcham-Kashani NΨ 1T4+PEY Cannon Editor-in-Chief
2012-2013 Evan Boyce Mech 1T5+PEY Toike Oike Editor-in-Chief
Yannick Wong ECE 1T2+PEY Computer Systems Administrator
2011-2012 ? ? ?
2010-2011* Denizcan Karadadas Indy 1T2+PEY Suds Finance Manager
Ian Parker Min 1T2+1 Suds Operations Manager
Donnie Yee Mech 1T2 Cafe Finance Manager
Gibran Kichlu Mech 1T2 Cafe Operations Manager
2009-2010** Ines Lucia Fernandez Indy 0T9+PEY Orientation Chair
Ariel Feldman Mech 0T9+PEY Suds Finance Manager
Franz LaZerte Mech 0T9+PEY Suds Operations Manager
2008-2009 Khadem Alam Indy 1T1+PEY Cafe Operations Manager
Charlsie Searle Civ 0T8+1+PEY Gradball Chair
2007-2008 Ariel Feldman Mech 0T9+PEY Stores Operations Manager
Jennifer Lee Civ 0T7+PEY Suds Finance Manager
2006-2007 John McCleod NΨ 0T6+PEY Blue & Gold Committee Chairs
Henry Cheung NΨ 0T7+PEY
Beatrice Sze Mech 0T6 + PEY Student Issues Director
2005-2006 Kharthick Kathiresan Elec 0T5+PEY Gradball Chair
Paul Radcliffe NΨ 0T7 Sponsorship Director
2004-2005 Faizal Ismail ? Community Outreach Director
Patricia Au ? Stores Operations Manager
2003-2004 Virali Patel ? Hi-Skule Liaison
Todd Reichert NΨ 0T4+Film Chief Attiliator
2002-2003 Neil Padgett ? Speaker
Richard Wiltshire ? Student Issues Director
2001-2002 Daniela Dighi ? Student Issues Director
Matt Parker ? Suds Manager

*Four directors were awarded in 2010-2011. **Three directors were awarded in 2009-2010 and 2013-2014.