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Hi-Skule is a student run outreach committee of UofT Engineering Society, who provides high school and elementary students opportunities to learn more about engineering. Hi-Skule have the great and diverse pool of dedicated Hi-Skule mentors who are living the life and experiencing what might be of doubt to grade 12 student. Hi-Skule runs events such as PreF!rosh, UofT High School Design Competition and the Engineering Mentorship Coffeehouses to bring about a friendly atmosphere for high school students to experience hands on activities, get a sense of who engineers really are and at the same time chat about engineering life with the mentors and have some fun.


The main values of Hi-Skule are to reach out to many students and engineering enthusiasts and present them with resources about engineering and breaking stereotypes of engineering life, to share the Skule experiences and to provide current engineering students the opportunity of being trained as a mentor to make positive impacts among the prospective engineering students.

The audience of Hi-Skule initiative events includes students from grades 5 to 12. The following are the events for the 1T6-1T7 year:

Mentorship Coffeehouse I & II
UofT High School Design Competition
Engineering Presentations