Blue & Gold Committee

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The Blue & Gold Committee is the Skule™ spirit committee in charge of many Skule™ activities and events, including Godiva Week, bus trips, movie nights, and Homecoming.

Typically, the Blue & Gold Committee runs one movie night on the first night of F!rosh Week, to welcome incoming first year students to Skule™. As well, the Blue & Gold Committee usually runs a few other movie nights throughout the course of the Skule™ year, including one during Godiva Week.

The Blue & Gold Committee plans the construction of the Skule™ entry in the Homecoming float competition, judged by the ex-Blue & Gold Committee chairs. Past entries have included a streetcar, a Viking ship, and a boombox.

As well, they organize Godiva Week, including events such as Ye Grande Olde Chariot Race, the Mr. Blue & Gold and Godiva's Crown competitions, the Village Pub Crawl, and various charity events.

In recent years, the Blue & Gold Committee has also organized a Tools 101 event for F!rosh, to teach them how to safely use basic power tools.

Past Blue & Gold Committee Chairs

Year Chair(s) Homecoming Float Pride Parade Float
2012-2013 Gabriel Stavros & Tejas Manjunath MSE 1T3+PEY & Mech 1T4 Skule Bus Nyan Cat
2011-2012 Luis Ramirez & Sandra Sousa Comp 1T2+PEY & Elec 1T3 Princess Peach's Castle Godiva's Horse
2010-2011 Addie Denison & Peter Raimondo Mech 1T2+PEY & Civ 1T1+PEY TTC Streetcar
2009-2010 Kathy Grycko & Kevin P. Siu Civ 1T0 & NΨ 1T0+PEY Viking Ship/Little Red Skule House
2008-2009 Ellen Chan & Rossana Rodriguez MSE 0T8+PEY & Indy 1T0+1 Boombox
2007-2008 Stefano Gelmi Indy 0T9 Train
2006-2007 John McLeod & Henry Cheung NΨ 0T6+PEY & NΨ 0T7+PEY Space Shuttle
2005-2006 Chris Anderson ? Double-Decker Bus
2004-2005 Leona Smith ? Castle
2003-2004 Jon Hollands Mech 0T5 Pirate Ship
2002-2003 Duncan Rowe Civ 0T4 Red Skule House
2001-2002 Angelo Gentile ? ?
2000-2001 Matthew Staikos ? ?
1999-2000 Struan Vaz ? Dell Computer
1998-1999 Sean Voskamp Mech 0T0 Canon
1997-1998 Ryan Morris ? ?
1996-1997 Steven Dennis ? ?
1995-1996 Drago Banovic ? ?
1994-1995 Ken Gower ? ?
1993-1994 Rowan Wilson ? ?
1992-1993 Brian Scholz ? ?
1991-1992 ? ? ?
1990-1991 George Mallinos ? ?
1989-1990 Sandro Perruzza ? ?
1988-1989 Rino Zan ? ?
1987-1988 Allan Bray ? ?
1986-1987 Steve Kotsopoulos ? ?
1985-1986 Wayne McPhee ? ?
1984-1985 Franco Minatel Mech 8T6 Hard Hat with beer bottle?
1983-1984 Bill Hollings ? ?
1982-1983 Alan Kasperski ? ?
1981-1982 Peter Weick ? ?
1980-1981 Ofer Pittel ? ?
1979-1980 George Klekner-Alt ? ?
1978-1979 Bob Beaumont ? ?
1977-1978 Rob Yates ? ?
1976-1977 Jim Burpee ? ?
1975-1976 R. Gilmour ? ?
1974-1975 Paul Baker ? ?

External links


If I Were The Blue & Gold Chair

Tradition dictates that there are a series of presentations during the ConHall event of F!rosh Week (currently known as Matriculation) to get the F!rosh aware of the different things they can participate in, and to introduce them to the university. Among these presentations are ones done by the Engineering Stores, SkuleTM Nite, the Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad, and the Blue & Gold Committee.

In 2006, John McLeod and Henry Cheung changed the format of the Blue & Gold presentation... and this is what they came up with (sung to the tune of 'If I Had A Million Dollars'):

John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
I'd sing you this song
(I would sing you this song)

John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
I'd go on and on and on
(But not forget my words or be out of tune)

John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
I'd sing about lots of fun
(Like the Blue & Gold Committee)

If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
Oh, Blue & Gooooolllllllld!

If I were a Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: We'd build a homecoming float!
If I were a Blue & Gold Chair
John: You could help; don't forget your coat!
If I were a Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: We could drive it around all over Toronto!

Henry: Hey Johnny, we've heard a lot about this Blue & Gold Committee. What sort of stuff do they do?
John: Well Henry... trips, movie nights, power tools... What would you do if you were a Blue & Gold Chair?

Henry: Well...

Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
I would run a movie night
(In fact, there's one in only 10 hours)

Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
I'd run Wednesday's F!rosh Olympics
(Test your skill, speed, & your sports)

Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
I'd build you a bed
(Not to sleep on - but to race - ON THURSDAY!)

If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
Oh, Blue & Gooooolllllllld!

If I were a Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: We would run Godiva Week!
If I were a Blue & Gold Chair
John: We would sing instead of speak!
If I were a Blue & Gold Chair
Henry: Oh how I wish, oh how I wish...

Henry: (But we are the Blue & Gold Chairs, Johnny...)
John: Oh yeah, that's right Henry, that'll save us some time... how do I get involved and get all my friends to join?
Henry: Well, there's only one way to find out... sing about it!

Henry: How do I join Blue & Gold?
John: How do I join Blue & Gold?
They have a great mailing list
(That way, none of the events will be missed!)

Henry: How do I join Blue & Gold?
John: How do I join Blue & Gold?
Just go online today

Henry: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
John: If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
It's easy guys, you'll see
(Haven't you signed up already!?)

If I were the Blue & Gold Chair
Oh, Blue & Gooooolllllllld!

How do I join Blue & Gold?
Henry: It's easy, just go online...
How do I join Blue & Gold?
John: Type it in, you'll be just fine.
How do I join Blue & Goooooooollllllllld?

Written by Mike Hawkins, Archivist 0T6-0T7
Lyrics by John McLeod and Henry Cheung, Blue & Gold Chairs 0T6-0T7

Barrett's Privateers
by Stan Rogers
Oh the year was seventeen seventy eight
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
A letter of marque came from the King
To the scummiest vessel I've ever seen

God Damn them all! I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers.

Oh Elcid Barrett cried the town,
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
For twenty brave men, all fishermen, who
Would make for him the Antelope's crew,

The Antelope sloop was a sickening sight.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
She'd a list to port and her sails in rags,
And a cook in the scuppers with staggers and jags.

On the King's birthday we put to sea.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
We were ninety-one days to Montego bay,
Pumping like madmen all the way.

On the ninety-sixth day we sailed again.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
When a bloody great Yankee hove in sight
With our cracked four-pounders we made to fight

The Yankee lay low down with gold.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
She was broad and fat and loose in stays,
But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days

Then at length we stood two cables away.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
Our cracked four-pounders made an awful din,
But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in.

The Antelope shook and pitched on her side.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs,
And the maintruck carried off both me legs.

So here I lay in my twenty-third year.
I wish I were in Sherbrooke now!
It's been six years since we sailed away,
And I just made Halifax yesterday.

Yogi Bear
I've got a friend in Jellystone Park
Yogi, Yogi
I've got a friend in Jellystone Park
Yogi Yogi Bear
Yogi Yogi Bear, Yogi Yogi Bear
I've got a friend in Jellystone Park
Yogi-Yogi Bear

Yogi has a girlfriend
Cindy, Cindy
Yogi has a girlfriend
Cindy Cindy Bear
Cindy Cindy Bear, Cindy Cindy Bear
Yogi has a girlfriend
Cindy Cindy Bear

The following verses are sung in the same manner as above:
Cindy likes it in the dark
Black bear, Black bear

Cindy likes it upside down
Koala bear, Koala bear

Cindy likes it interracial
Panda bear, Panda bear

Cindy likes it really rough
Grizzly bear, Grizzly bear

Cindy doesn't shave down there
Grizzly bear, Grizzly bear

Cindy likes it from behind
Brown bear, Brown bear

Cindy likes it underage
Teddy bear, Teddy bear

Cindy likes it soft and squishy
Gummy bear, Gummy bear

Cindy likes it sweet and sticky
Honey bear, Honey bear

Cindy likes it on the freezer
Polar bear, Polar bear

Cindy makes sure condoms are used
Care bear, Care bear

I used to work in Chicago in an old department store
I used to work in Chicago but I don't work there anymore!

A woman came in for a fishing pole
A fishing pole from the store
A fishing pole she wanted, my rod she got!
And I don't work there anymore

A man came in for some apples
Some apples from the store
Some apples he wanted, my cherry he got!
And I don't work there anymore

The following verses are sung in the same manner as above:
A woman came in for a diamond ring
A diamond ring she wanted, pearl necklace she got!

A man came in for some cups
Some cups he wanted, my jugs he got!

A woman came in for some cat food
Some cat food she wanted, some meat in her pussy she got!

A man came in for some gloves
Some gloves he wanted, my muff he got!

A woman came in for a screen door
A screen door she wanted, the back door she got!

A woman came in for some hamburger
Some hamburger she wanted, my meat/sausage she got!

A man came in for some lobster
Some lobster he wanted, my crabs he got!

A woman came in for a hammer
A hammer she wanted, nailed she got!

A man came in for thirteen squared
Thirteen squared he wanted, one sixty-nine he got!

A woman came in for some bolts
Some bolts she wanted, my nuts she got!

A man came in for a bag
A bag he wanted, my box he got!

A woman came in for a piano
A piano she wanted, my organ she got!

A man came in for a vacuum
A vacuum he wanted, sucked he got!

A man came in for some flowers
Some flowers he wanted, my two-lips he got!

A woman came in for a rooster
A rooster she wanted, my cock she got!

A man came in for a leaf blower
A good blower he wanted, a good sucking he got!

A woman came in for a fishing lure,
A lure she wanted, my Canadian wiggler she got!

A man came for a Shakespearing character
Horatio he wanted, Felatio he got!

A woman came in for an automatic transmission
A transmission she wanted, my stick she got!

A man came for some KFC
KFC he wanted, my greasy box he got!

A man/woman came in for an (insert guys/girls name)
(Name) he/she wanted, disappointed he/she got!

A woman came in for vinyl flooring,
Flooring she wanted, my hardwood she got!

A woman came in for a Ford,
An Explorer she wanted, explore her I did!

A woman came in for the alphabet,
ABC she wanted, an STD she got!

A woman came in for a Kit Kat
A Kit Kat she wanted, four fingers she got!

A woman came in for a makeover
A makeover she wanted, a facial she got!

A woman came in for some electricity
Some electricity she wanted, the shocker she got!

A woman came in for employment
Employment she wanted, a rim job she got!

A woman came in for a Jesus
A Jesus she wanted, the second coming she got!

A woman came in for a ruler
A ruler she wanted, my 12 inches she got!

A woman came in for some floorboards
Some floorboards she wanted, my tongue and groove she got!

A woman came in for a G.I. Joe
A G.I. Joe she wanted, my Cobra Commander she got!

A woman came in for a deck of cards
52 she wanted, 69'd she got!

A woman came in for a pickeled deer
A pickeled deer she wanted, a dill doe she got!

A woman came in for a metaphysical conversation
A metaphysical conversation she wanted, fucked she got!

A woman came in for bowling ball
A bowling ball she wanted, fingered and tossed in the gutter she got!

A woman came in for an unwashed Mexican
An unwashed Mexican she wanted, a dirty Sanchez she got!

A woman came in for some shoes
We didn't have any shoes, so I fucked her!

A woman came in for a sub sandwich
A sub she wanted, my footlong she got!

A woman came in for some quick service
Quick service she wanted, quickly serviced she got!

Killer verses:
A woman came in for a pregnancy test
A pregnancy test she wanted, a punch in the gut she got!

A woman came in for a coat hanger
A coat hanger she wanted, an abortion she got!

The Gangbang Song
Knock knock
Who's there?
Anita who?
I need a...

...gangbang, and always will
Because a gangbang gives her such a thrill
When she was younger, and in her prime
She used to gangbang all the time!

Knock knock
Who's there?
Truman who?
Is it true man I saw your mamma at the...

The following verses are sung in the same manner as above:
We'll be washing a ton of sheets after the...

Slap her, cuff her, cart her off to the...

A bell will ring to start the...

I'm glad he ate her out before the...

Will my finger keep me satisfied until the next...

Dude, was that your sister I saw you fucking at the...

Wine her, dine her, 69 her at the...

Turn her over, and let's have another...

Her brother loves to...

All of her clothes came off at the...

Bet he didn't know it was his girl at the bottom of the...

Profess your lust to her at the...

It stinked like fish at the...

Moan a little louder and we'll all join the...

Share and share alike at the...

Bend over so we can start the...

Can ya give me directions to the...

Wrecked 'em? Nearly killed 'em! At the...

You're in for sloppy seconds at the...

Ida want another...

Charlie Pride
Charlie Pride her pants off at the...

Dolly Parton
Dolly's partin' her thighs at the...

Mc-masturbated all over her at the...

The following verses are sung in the same manner as above, in this order, except use the banana chorus:
Knock knock
Who's there?
Banana who?

...banananana, Banana-nah!
Bananana-nah, nananana-nah!

Aren't you glad that I didn't say...

Watermelon? I meant to say...

And now she's older, and turning grey.
She only gangbangs twice a day...
But when she was younger, and in her prime
She used to gangbang all the time!