Chief Attiliator

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When Skule's first Cannon was created, a Cannoneer was appointed in keeping with age-old tradition. The Canoneer would be responsible for firing of the Cannon, and the selection of Cannon Guards. In addition to this, they would have sole knowledge of the location of the Cannon when it was not in use.

As a matter of protocol the Cannon is fired with a smouldering cigarette, typically after a convenient number of Godiva's Hymn verses.

The Cannon Guards are the (now) black-helmeted students who protect the Cannon.

The Chief Attiliator wears a belt made from the chain that once protected the Waterloo Tool, from the Waterloo Tool Liberation of 1982, as well as a ring that was once a part of the Queen's Grease Pole, acquired during the Queen's Grease Pole Liberation of 2000, and its piece aquired during the Queen's Grease Pole Liberation of 2015.

Each Chief Attiliator takes a pyrotechnics certification course and gets a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL).

Etymology of "Attiliator"

In medieval times, the title of 'Atillator' was given to the person responsible for the maintenance of defense works and weapons of war. The title was synonymous with Engineer, and the word artillery was probably derived from the same roots. The Atillator was responsible for the number of guns used, their storing, mounting, and most importantly, protection.

Over the years, the spelling of 'Atillator' evolved, to the modern spelling of "attiliator". Most students today do not know the origins of the word, and some have claimed that the word was made up. Neither 'atillator' nor 'attilliator', however, are words used in the modern English language. The unique spelling by Skule™ makes it the only distinctive use of the word today.

Past Chief Attiliators

See List of Chief Attiliators