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== Constitution and Bylaw ==
The mandated role of the Vice-President Communications is stated in [Bylaw 1], Chapter 4 and [Bylaw 4], Chapter 3.
''' Bylaw 1'''
*4.4.1 In accordance with the provisions of the Corporations Act of Ontario, the Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for the maintenance of:
**a. A copy of the letters patent and any supplementary letters patent issued to the Society;
**b. All Bylaws, Policies and Special Resolutions of the Society;
**c. A register of all Members which shall include their names, addresses and phone numbers; and d. All minutes and associated documents.
*4.4.2 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for all other duties assigned to Secretaries of Corporations under the Corporations Act of Ontario.
*4.4.3 The Vice President Communications shall, upon request by a member, make available to that member the full and correct version of any Society document (i.e., bylaws, policies, special resolutions of council, minutes and their associated documents) within 10 business days.
*4.4.4 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for submitting Notices of Change to the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services within 15 days of any change in officer or director in the Society. The Vice-President Communications will be further responsible for keeping duplicates of these Notices on file in the Society’s office in accordance with the Ontario Corporations Information Act.
'''Bylaw 4'''
*3.0.1 The Vice-President Communications shall ensure that notice of Meetings is issued well in advance.
*3.0.2 The Vice-President Communications shall ensure that an agenda is prepared for each meeting.
*3.0.3 The Vice-President Communications shall ensure that quality minutes are taken at each meeting.
*3.0.4 The Vice-President Communications shall ensure that the Bylaws and Policies are updated regularly.
*3.0.5 The Vice-President Communications shall ensure that records for all Meetings and any other documents and reports presented at Meetings are being maintained and published online.
*3.0.6 The Vice-President Communications shall ensure that refreshments are provided for all Meetings.
*3.0.7 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for the collection of year-end reports from all outgoing Directors and Officers.
*3.0.8 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for maintaining the e-mail address pointers of the “skule.ca” domain.
*3.0.9 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for maintaining a current list of contact information for all Councillors.
*3.0.10 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for overseeing the branding of Society services, operations and events.
*3.0.11 The Vice-President Communications shall be responsible for overseeing the use of relevant communications media to market Society services, operations and events.
'''Bylaw 4'''

== Oversights ==
== Oversights ==