Blue & Gold Committee: Difference between revisions

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| 2005-2006
| 2005-2006
| Chris Anderson
| Chris Anderson
| ?
| Double-Decker Bus
| 2004-2005
| 2004-2005

Revision as of 03:53, 24 January 2011

The Blue & Gold Committee is the Skule™ spirit committee in charge of many Skule™ activities and events, including Godiva Week, bus trips, movie nights, and Homecoming.

Typically, the Blue & Gold Committee runs one movie night on the first night of F!rosh Week, to welcome incoming first year students to Skule™. As well, the Blue & Gold Committee usually runs a few other movie nights throughout the course of the Skule&trade year, including one during Godiva Week.

The Blue & Gold Committee plans the construction of the Skule™ entry in the Homecoming float competition, judged by the ex-Blue & Gold Committee chairs. Past entries have included a streetcar, a Viking ship, and a boombox.

As well, they organize Godiva Week, including events such as Ye Olde Grande Chariot Race, the Mr. Blue & Gold and Godiva's Crown competitions, the Village Pub Crawl, and various charity events.

In recent years, the Blue & Gold Committee has also organized a Tools 101 event for F!rosh, to teach them how to safely use basic power tools.

Past Blue & Gold Committee Chairs

Year Chair(s) Homecoming Float
2010-2011 Addie Denison & Peter Raimondo TTC Streetcar
2009-2010 Kathy Grycko & Kevin P. Siu Viking Ship
2008-2009 Ellen Chan & Rosanna Rodriguez Boombox
2007-2008 Stefano Gelmi Train
2006-2007 John McLeod & Henry Cheung Space Shuttle
2005-2006 Chris Anderson Double-Decker Bus
2004-2005 Leona Smith Castle
2003-2004 Jon Hollands Pirate Ship
2002-2003 ? ?
2001-2002 ? ?