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We know every buddy,<br />
We know every buddy,<br />
And don't give a damn for the rest!<br />
And don't give a damn for the rest!<br />
'''Dog is Man's Best Friend'''
Do you remember the old, mangy, brown dog, perhaps a collie, that used to always slouch around near or in the cafeteria seeking handouts (and some of that food they served us was really for a dog)? The dog had a name as most dogs but my memory recall is not what it was. Maybe Big Red was its name.
Anyway, from time to time some of us used to drink a little, and indeed sometimes a lot. And I don't believe that I was the only Ajaxman who actually fell asleep after a serious drinking session ("fell asleep" sounds better than "passed out").
My friends, my buddies seeing my condition were anxious to help by getting me ready and into bed so that consciousness only came to me some time after the sun came up.
A few days later my friends showed me a picture depicting their earlier kindness to me. Not only did the get me into bed but also that mangy dog Big Red and as shown in the photo graciously draped my arm around the dog and somehow managed to get its head on my shoulder before they took the photo.
As people have often said, "One of the best things about university is the friends you develop there." With friends like mine, who needs enemies.
''About the author: Course - Electrical 4T9. House at Ajax 730, East Wing. Those are the only clues you'll get.''