Engineering Society

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Crest and logo of the Engineering Society

The University of Toronto Engineering Society, also known as EngSoc, is the student government for students at Skule™ — the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto. EngSoc manages Skule™ services and provides club funding, professional development, and extracurricular opportunities to over 4800 full-time members, proudly continuing the traditions and storied history of Canada’s oldest and largest engineering school. Founded in 1885, it is the oldest Engineering Society of students in Canada.


The governance of the Engineering Society is shared between the following four bodies:

  • Officers - The 6 Officers, each directly elected by the membership to manage the day-to-day affairs of the Society.

  • Board of Directors - The 21 member Board of Directors of the Engineering Society, directly elected by the membership to oversee the affairs of the Society. The Board is ultimately responsible and liable for all actions of the Engineering Society. The Board is advised by several committees of the Engineering Society. Prior to April 2011, the role of the Board was filled by Council.

  • Council - The 100+ member Council is responsible for electing new Project Directors and advising the Board of Directors and Officers of the Engineering Society. Prior to April 2011, it also filled the role of the Board of Directors. Representing the major stakeholders of the Society, its membership includes:
    • Officers
    • Class Representatives
    • Project Directors
    • Year Chairs
    • External Representatives

  • Membership - All undergraduate engineering students are fee paying members of the Engineering Society and entitled to vote in its elections, referenda and General Meetings. Approval of the membership is required to change Bylaw 1 and to impeach Officers. The membership is the highest authority within the Engineering Society, and decisions of the membership supersede decisions by the other three bodies described above. Alumni members retain the right to speak, but not vote, at all meetings of the Engineering Society.


See also: History of Engineering Society
