Skule Cannon Award

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See also: Engineering Society Awards

Awarded annually to one person in fourth year who has demonstrated commitment and dedication to Skule™ life through extra-curricular involvement over the course of their four years at Skule™.

Past Recipients

Year Recipient
2013-2014 Gabriel Stavros MSE 1T3+PEY
2012-2013 Abhishek Mathur Mech 1T2+PEY
2011-2012* Amanda Bell Indy 1T1+PEY
Wayne Lin Indy 1T1+PEY
2010-2011 Cyrene Wu Civ 1T0+PEY
2009-2010 Ryan Campbell NΨ 0T7+∞
2008-2009 Steven Szeto Indy 0T9
2007-2008 Cody MacNeil Mech 0T7+PEY
2006-2007* John McCleod NΨ 0T6+PEY
Paul Radcliffe NΨ 0T7
2005-2006 Jen Pollock ?
2004-2005 Todd Reichert NΨ 0T4+Film
2003-2004 Matt Parker ?
2002-2003 Paul Graham ?
2001-2002 Magda Wierus ?

*Two Skule Cannon Awards were awarded in these years.